We accept almost every health insurance plan. Please contact the office for more information regarding this. 480-782-5575.
Chandler Pediatrics does offer in office circumcisions for newborns till 2 weeks of life. Please contact the office for more information regarding this procedure.
Ear Piercing:
We offer this service to existing patients only. We begin this at the age of 4 months and older. This is done in office and scheduled only by appointment at the offices availability. Any other information please contact the office.
Chandler Pediatrics is contracted with most insurance plans. If we have a contract with your plan, we will bill the insurance company for the services we provide in the office. If you do not have insurance, or have insurance but a service provided is not a covered benefit, all fees are to be paid at the time of visit. We do offer self pay discounts please check with the office regarding these fees.
Co-payments, co-insurance, deductibles:
We collect all estimated patient co-payments, co-insurance or estimated deductibles at the time of check-in. If you are unable to pay at the time of your appointment please let the front office or billing supervisor know so arrangements can be made. You are responsible for all deductibles and charges not covered by insurance.
If your child is seen for a well and sick appointment at the same visit, or a procedure/lab requires follow-up care, your insurance company may charge an additional co-pay, deductible, or coinsurance.
Newborn Information:
For newborns, we are able to accept a copy of the parent’s insurance card up until the first month visit. After that time, we must have a copy of the child’s card which will be required at the time of check in.You are required to add your child to your insurance plan within 28 days. Failure to do so may result in nonpayment of claims made.
Dual Insurance:
It is the patient’s responsibility to update any and new information regarding insurance changes. This includes primary, secondary or tertiary insurance coverage. Please update your information at every visit as soon as you are aware of any changes regarding this.
Additional Information:
Asthma and Allergy follow-ups are needed every 3 months for refills on all medications.
Dental clearances- This needs to be scheduled in our office within 2 weeks before any dental procedures are done.
There will be a fee assessed for paperwork that requires a providers attention. This includes FMLA.
There is no charge for a blue Childhood/Adolescent Immunization Administration Record and Lifetime Immunization Record given at the time of your child’s first visit. However, should you lose your Records, there will be a $5 charge for each Record to replace them.
We accept all major credit cards, checks and cash.
If records are being released/requested to another provider there is no fee required. If you are requesting copies of records for own personal there is a charge of $1.00 per page up to 25 pages and $.25 per page thereafter.
If you have any questions or comments please contact the office at 480-782-5575.
Thank you!